How does Ring Wars Carolina celebrate birthdays? By having a Birthday Bash, in your Hometown of course! Hoke County NC, Come on out and help make this bash the biggest of them all! January 5, 2019 in Raeford NC at the Hoke County high school, RWC Will celebrate DJ Primetime birthday with a ton of exciting, action packed pro-wrestling! a couple of surprises thrown in for good measure. Come check it out! The best thing is the $5 admission fee for all! Now you have to come and get a slice of the action!
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Event Results: "Fan Appreciation 2018"
BD Productions defeated Patty Dylan & Tga Alexander Moss in our Appetizer
The show opened with our New ring announcer Stephanie Grey who replaces Primetime
Match 1 : The Ping Pong Master Waylon MAZE defeated Jay Wolfe
Match 2: Lynzee Pike defeated Sadie Lee Moss
Match 3: f1rST Generation & Joseph Everhart defeated Chance Lebeaux, Flex Simmons & Treize Genovese In 6 Man Tag Team Action, after the match James & Joseph had a war of words as Joseph blind tagged himself in as James was going for the pin on Flex, they both were separated by Victor and Referee James Hunter
Match 4: Kris Nemesis defeated Tiger in the first ever “Huntertaker You Ref It Match” where the fans where the ones in charge and counted the 1-2-3
Semi Main/RWC Jr Heavyweight Championship: Gem "BBD" Stone defeated Drew Thomas to retain the Jr Heavyweight Championship
Main Event: Simply Delicious Dino & Curtis Cash defeated Hangtyme & RWC Heavyweight Champion Nite-Stic Eddie Brown when Dino hit Eddie with a loaded fist and allowed Cash to win the match for his team
After the match Flex Simmons came out and challenged Eddie Brown for the RWC Heavyweight Champion, Eddie Brown accepted his challenge. Flex would then announce that he was accepted into the Ring Of Honor Dojo starting next week and that he plans to take the RWC Heavyweight Championship with him after his win
RWC Heavyweight Championship:
Nite-Stic Eddie Brown defeated Flex Simmons to retain the Championship, as Flex was going in for the win several graduates from the RWC wrestling academy came to the ring trying to prevent him from winning the title but were unsuccessful as Flex hit each and every one of them with Full Nelson Slams, this would allow Nite-Stic to recover and hit Flex with a spinning powerbomb for the win
Nite-Stic Eddie Brown defeated Flex Simmons to retain the Championship, as Flex was going in for the win several graduates from the RWC wrestling academy came to the ring trying to prevent him from winning the title but were unsuccessful as Flex hit each and every one of them with Full Nelson Slams, this would allow Nite-Stic to recover and hit Flex with a spinning powerbomb for the win
After the match EVERYONE came from the back and RWC said farewell to Flex Simmons as he moves on to Ring Of Honor in Baltimore taking the next step in his career
Upcoming Shows
Jan 5th Hoke County High School
Jan 19th Priscilla King Arena In Lumberton NC
Friday, November 16, 2018
Next Event: "Fan Appreciation 2018"
Showing the fans that Ring Wars Carolina always appreciates them, All Tickets are just $5 dollars. Come see just what the former commish DJ Primetime has put together. He joined forces with Simply Delicious Dino and together, brought back the biggest surprise of the night, Curtis Cash! Thanks to Hang Tyme helping Eddie Brown from a 2 on 1 beating. A main event tag-team match has been made by the New Commish of RWC, Mr. Hall of Famer Earl Hebner! Gonna be there for this one! See the New Jr. Heavyweight Champion, Gem Stone in his 1st title defense. Plus more to end 2018 and to start 2019. Priscilla king arena, 612 2nd st in Lumberton NC on December 1, 2018!
Next Event: "Thanksgiving Rumble 2018"
Thursday, November 8, 2018
New RWC Champions are crowned!
Ring Wars Carolina would like to say congratulations to the NEW Champions:
New Ring Wars Carolina Tag Team Champions
Victor Andrews & James Anthony
New Ring Wars Carolina
Jr. Heavyweight Champion
Gem Stone
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Event Results: "Homecoming 2018"
Homecoming 2018 Results
GM Primetime comes out and welcomes everyone to the show and then demands that RWC Heavyweight Champion Nite-Stic Eddie Brown come to the ring and tell him, this huge secret that he has been holding in for months. Eddie comes out and right before he is about to say what it is, the 2018 Candy Bowl Winner Simply Delicious Dino comes out. Hugs Eddie and says that, this is for 20yrs of friendship and that at the end of the night he will be the New RWC Heavyweight Champion and leaves the ringside area. Eddie then says changes have to be made in Ring Wars Carolina and that someone is kicking rocks tonight. Hangtyme comes out and gets in the ring and then Eddie says he has all the key players in the ring now. Eddie says he needs to make a phone call to the RWC Headquarters in Toronto where he calls TNA Hall Of Famer Earl Hebner who says Primetime is no longer the General Manager and He names himself the Commissioner of RWC, Primetime then says he knew that Eddie was up to something and he was up to something also and he went to the RWC Board Of Directors and got his Managers license and later tonight he will be introducing his new client.
Match 1: Open Invitational Battle Royal where the winner faces RWC Jr Heavyweight Drew Thomas later in the night, particapants included
Flex Simmons, Jay Wolfe, Mama's Boy, Syde Effect, Trieze Genovese, Alexander Moss, Joseph Everhart, The Ping Pong Master Waylon MAZE, Krazyhorse, Derrick Douglas, Kris Nemesis, Gem "BBD" Stone, Kwamere Carter & "The New Nature Boy" Shawn Sharp
Gem "BBD" Stone & Kris Nemesis are declared Co Winners after going over the Top rope and both feet hitting the floor at the same time, it is then announced that Drew Thomas would defend the championship in a Triple Threat Match later in the night
Match 2: The debuting Sadie Lee Moss defeated Lynzee Pike via pinfall
Match 3: Hang Tyme & Chance Lebeaux ended in a Double Disqualification after both men low blowed each other
Match 4: RWC Tag Team Championship
f1rST Generation defeated RWC Tag Team Champions Airtime Rockerz when James Anthony pinned The real_Encore via a School Boy to become 4x RWC Tag Team Champions
(James Anthony announced "Mr. Everything" Victor Andrews as his mystery partner before the match)
f1rST Generation defeated RWC Tag Team Champions Airtime Rockerz when James Anthony pinned The real_Encore via a School Boy to become 4x RWC Tag Team Champions
(James Anthony announced "Mr. Everything" Victor Andrews as his mystery partner before the match)
Semi Main/RWC Jr Heavyweight Championship
Gem "BBD" Stone defeated Kris Nemesis & RWC Jr Heavyweight Champion Drew Thomas via Pinfall after hitting a double spear on both competitors to become the New Champion
Gem "BBD" Stone defeated Kris Nemesis & RWC Jr Heavyweight Champion Drew Thomas via Pinfall after hitting a double spear on both competitors to become the New Champion
Main Event/RWC Heavyweight Championship
RWC Heavyweight Champion Nite-Stic Eddie Brown defeated Simply Delicious Dino via Pinfall to retain the championship
RWC Heavyweight Champion Nite-Stic Eddie Brown defeated Simply Delicious Dino via Pinfall to retain the championship
After the match was over Primetime & Dino would attack Eddie Brown and Primetime would then introduce us to his superstar he would be managing, the returning Curtis Cash. all 3 men would start putting boots and fists to Eddie until Hang Tyme came out to make the save. After the match was over Hangtyme & Eddie Brown challenged Simply Delicious Dino & Curtis Cash to a Tag Team Match Dec 1st at Fan Appreciation Night
Join us on Dec 1st in Lumberton NC at the Priscilla King Arena for the final show of 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
Next Event: "Homecoming 2018" Lumberton NC
This is Homecoming! You wanna know who is coming home? Nite-Stic Eddie Brown defends his RWC Heavyweight championship against his friend and Homecoming participate, Simply Delicious Dino. Friends for 21 years! Dino was trained by Eddie Brown 20 years ago! Does he have enough wisdom to gain the title or did Eddie Brown saves me knowledge just for these occasions? Stay tuned! It's gonna be a welcoming surprise to all! Faces you wished to see just 1 more time! More information as we get it!
Monday, October 22, 2018
Next Event: "Spooktakular Event" Ft. Bragg Harley -Davidson
Movie Showing of " The Stro"
Thank you to everyone who helped make this dream a reality! Special shout out to "The Stro" for allowing me this opportunity!
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Next Event: *Movie Screening* "What kind of story do you want to tell?"
In our documentary short "The Maestro," Rob Kellum "Papa Stro Maestro" and Nite-Stic Eddie Brown face each other in an epic battle that takes a surprising turn.
We're bringing "The Maestro" to Eddie's stomping grounds in Fayetteville, NC, for the Indigo Moon Film Festival this Saturday, October 13, at 6:30 PM.
If you live in Fayetteville, you better be there, or Eddie will find you!
Next Event:

Come out and join us for our Halloween Celebration! Costume contest, trunk-or-treat, local vendors, free food, and live Ring Wars Carolina Pro-Wrestling entertainment all day!
Upcoming Event:
"Homecoming 2018"
November 3, 2018
November 3, 2018
Priscilla King Arena
612 2nd Street
Lumberton NC
Monday, October 8, 2018
Event Results: "Candy Bowl 2018"
Gem Stone def. Joseph Everhart
Simply Delicious Dino def. RWC Jr. Heavyweight Champion Drew Thomas
Jay Wolf def. Flex Simmons vs. Travis "Mason Jar" Dixon
James Anthony def. Hangtyme
Kris Nemesis def. Treize Genovese def. Jacob Ryan
Natalina def. Lynzee Pike
"Candy Bowl 2018"
Simply Delicious Dino
Gem Stone, Jay Wolf, James Anthony, Kris Nemesis
*Simply Delicious Dino, as winner got to choose to wrestle for a championship of his choice. SDD chose to wrestle for the RWC Heavyweight championship. Nite-Stic Eddie Brown confronted SDD and the match was made for Nov. 3, 2018 at "HomeComing 2018" in Priscilla King Arena located in Lumberton NC!!!
Monday, October 1, 2018
Next Event: "Candy Bowl 2018" Where the fans pick the wrestlers!
Ladies and Gents, The time is creeping up very fast. Ring Wars Carolina presents its annual "Candy Bowl 2018" event in Lumberton NC October 6, 2018! Who is going to be in the Bowl? Will Popo da klown finally appear? You just don't know who is going to TRICK or TREAT who? Kids will be picking candy and wrestlers to compete! You don't want to miss this event! See you October 6, 2018 in The Priscilla King arena located at 612 2nd street Lumberton NC for the Annual "Candy Bowl 2018"!!!!
Monday, September 10, 2018
Next Event: Hoke County Fair
September 26, 2018
7pm bell-time
Ring Wars Carolina
"Hayrides & Headlocks"
As you walk the midway thinking you can win those giant panda bears and blow up swords, you start smelling Candy apples and turkey legs. The scent of fresh cotton candy and strawberry elephant ears just past your nostrils with the subliminal message of "Come get me"! The carny yelling at you "Come see the smallest woman or the biggest alligator!" You get a small glimpse of the 18x18 foot monster we call a wrestling ring. 2 or more gladiators are set to do battle! You grab a turkey leg and a large coke and start walking over to the ring. You hear the loud slams and the gladiators are using there bare hands to WRESTLE each other down to the canvas for a 3 count. One-man grabs the other and picks him up by his head and tries to squeeze the life out of him! This is what you will witness and more, Wednesday evening, September 26, 2018 @ 7pm!
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Event Results: "Sideshows & Suplexes"
Waylon Maze Defeated Flex Simmons
Lynzee Pike Defeated Kris Nemesis
James Anthony defeated Victor Andrews
Kaitlyn Graham eliminated Lynzee Pike to win Battle Royal
Next Event:
September 26, 2018
7pm bell-time
Ring Wars Carolina
"Hayrides & Headlocks"
As you walk the midway thinking you can win those giant panda bears and blow up swords, you start smelling Candy apples and turkey legs. The scent of fresh roasted corn and strawberry elephant ears just past your nostrils with the subliminal message of "Come get me"! The carny yelling at you "Come see the smallest woman or the biggest alligator!" You get a small glimpse of the 18x18 foot monster we call a wrestling ring. 2 or more gladiators are set to do battle! You grab a turkey leg and a large coke and start walking over to the ring. You hear the loud slams and the gladiators are using there bare hands to WRESTLE each other down to the canvas for a 3 count. One-man grabs the other and picks him up by his head and shoulders, it seems. They both fall to the canvas and one pins the other with a SUPLEX! This is what you will witness and more, Wednesday evening, September 26, 2018 @ 7pm!
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
September 6, 2018
7pm bell-time
Ring Wars Carolina
"Sideshows & Suplexes"
As you walk the midway thinking you can win those giant panda bears and blow up swords, you start smelling Candy apples and turkey legs. The scent of fresh roasted corn and strawberry elephant ears just past your nostrils with the subliminal message of "Come get me"! The carny yelling at you "Come see the smallest woman or the biggest alligator!" You get a small glimpse of the 18x18 foot monster we call a wrestling ring. 2 or more gladiators are set to do battle! You grab a turkey leg and a large coke and start walking over to the ring. You hear the loud slams and the gladiators are using there bare hands to WRESTLE each other down to the canvas for a 3 count. One-man grabs the other and picks him up by his head and shoulders, it seems. They both fall to the canvas and one pins the other with a SUPLEX! This is what you will witness and more, this Thursday evening, September 6, 2018 @ 7pm!
September 26, 2018
7pm bell-time
Ring Wars Carolina
"Hayrides & Headlocks"
Monday, September 3, 2018
Event Results: " Last Summer Fling" Jr. Heavyweight Tournament
RWC Last Summer Fling (Jr Heavyweight Championship Tournament)
Appetizer: Chance Lebeaux defeated Gem "BBD" Stone
GM Primetime came out with current RWC No Limitz Champion Drew Thomas and announced that he would be retiring the No Limitz Championship title tonight. He would be introducing the New Ring Wars Carolina Jr Heavyweight Championship with a 1 night single elimination tournament. The winner of the tournament would face Drew later in the night to be crowned the 1st ever RWC Jr. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!
Quarter Final Jr Heavyweight Championship Tournament: Flex Simmonsdefeated Joseph Everhart via Submission
Quarter Final Jr Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
The Ping Pong Master Waylon MAZE defeated James Anthony via Pinfall
The Ping Pong Master Waylon MAZE defeated James Anthony via Pinfall
Quarter Final Jr Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
Kris Nemesis defeated Ash Aubrey via Submission
Kris Nemesis defeated Ash Aubrey via Submission
Travis "Mason Jar" Dixon defeated Hang Tyme & Treize Genovese in a Triple Threat via Pinfall
Semi Finals Jr Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
Flex Simmons defeated Waylon Maze via Pinfall
Flex Simmons defeated Waylon Maze via Pinfall
Semi Finals Jr Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
Kris Nemesis defeated Devin Worthy
Kris Nemesis defeated Devin Worthy
RWC Tag Team Championship: Vicious & Delicious defeated RWC Tag Team Champions Airtime Rockerz via DQ (Championships can't change hands on a DQ or Countout)
Finals Jr Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
Flex Simmons defeated Kris Nemesis via DQ to win the Tournament
Flex Simmons defeated Kris Nemesis via DQ to win the Tournament
RWC Jr Heavyweight Championship:
Drew Thomas defeated Flex Simmons via Pinfall to become the 1st ever Jr Heavyweight Champion
Drew Thomas defeated Flex Simmons via Pinfall to become the 1st ever Jr Heavyweight Champion
Next Event:
Sideshows & Suplexes
Sept 6, 2018 Cumberland County Fair @ Crown Coliseum with a 7pm bell time. Free with paid fair admission.
Hayrides & Headlocks
Sept.26, 2018 Hoke County Fair @ 2950 Lindsay Rd, Raeford, NC 28376
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