Ladies and gentlemen I have the esteemed pleasure to announce as of today @ringwarscarolina LLC will be corroborating with @controlyournarrative! This partnership has been established to take both brands to a whole new level! I told everyone a new era of RWC is upon us and that time is now!
Dex Carter welcomed everyone to Ring Wars Carolina's new traditional event, Nite-Mare on 2nd Street! All the wrestlers are in costume during the match. Tonight is going to be exciting. Dex Carter said he had a special guest in the building and he wanting to bring him out right now. Out comes Slick Mic "Nature Boy" Blair.
Match 1: Freddy Kruger defeated Security Guard #1
(with help from Jason Vorhees)
Match 2: Dora The Explorer defeated Jessie(Woody's Round Up)
Match 3: G$ defeated Syde Effect
Dex Carter Interviewed Nite-Stic Eddie Brown and since RWC sent him to Disney World, he had a lot to say! You have to see the video for full details. Long story short, Eddie Brown attacked a fan with a flat screen TV. (See Notes)
Semi Main: Andy & Jessie (from Woody's Round Up) defeated "Good Ole" HR & "Stone Cold" Steve Harvey
Main Event: Dead Pool defeated Shadow Man
Special Added Bonus: Shadow Man won a Nite-Marish Battle Royal
Notes: The incident that occurred earlier with Nite-Stic Eddie Brown stunned the whole crowd. Dex Carter asked Nite-Stic How he was doing since he was on vacation and RWC free! Nite-Stic answered in a surprisingly fashion. He started berating the Town of Lumberton. He talked down to the people. He kept mentioning that he was not a part of the RWC roster and could finally speak freely. While walking around the barricade, a fan threw popcorn in Nite-Stic's face. Nite-Stic gridded the fan and pulled him over the guard rails and started kicking and punching him in the face. Nite-Stic was forcing the guys throat against the corner of the ring post. While the fan was trying to get away, Nite-Stic went to the commentary table and grabbed a flat screen TV monitor. Nite-Stic hit the fan in the head causing sever bleeding. RWC Staff were trying to stop Nite-Stic but couldn't stop him from swinging the TV. Head Security Tony came running over with taser in hand and Nite-Stic left the building out the side door. Medical attention was giving by a in house nurse to the fan. He was taken to a near by hospital by his family for further medical attention. Thanks to the quick work of RWC staff and security, this fan was released with a neck injury and lacerations to his head and neck area. More on this as we receive information.