Saturday, January 12, 2019

Next Event: "Allison Danger Experience" & "And It Starts"!

Come learn from one of the best Female minds in the business! Shimmer wasn't even a Sparkle without the mind and creativity of Allison Danger! Ladies and Gents, Here is your chance to impress the woman who sparks careers around the world! You can't beat the price for the experience and knowledge that will be spilled all over the canvas January 19, 2019 at Ring Wars Carolina Training Academy located 2845 Hope Mills Road in Hope Mills NC. doors open at 9 am he experience starts at 10 am. Come gain some insights and knowledge! Bring those notebooks!

And Then...

You can catch Ring Wars Carolina pro-wrestling live! You know how RWC does it! get there early cause the action is going to be hard hitting and heart pounding!

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